Admissions Policy
Admissions Policy
2024 to 2025
Policy details
- Date created - September 2023
- Date reviewed- September 2024
- Policy reviewer- Elisha Pighills
General Policy Statement
At Co-op Academy Delius we intend to provide a safe, secure, caring environment where everyone is valued and respected equally. We aim to provide an inclusive education where children develop independent learning skills and are taught according to their needs, whatever their age, gender, background, beliefs or abilities. As a dual sited school, wherever possible the ethos and approaches are replicated across both sites. We have had regard to legislation re disabilities, race relations and special education needs and national, and local policies and procedures when compiling this policy.
As a generic primary special school, Co-op Academy Delius provides education for pupils aged 3 to 11 years with clearly identified special educational needs. Bradford Council is the admission authority and places pupils at Delius following a consultation request to the academy.
The majority of pupils will be admitted on the basis of an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), which nominates Delius, but from time-to-time, the local authority arranges for pupils to be admitted who are in the process of being assessed for an EHCP, or for a period of assessment. In order for this procedure to be effective sufficient time must be allowed before transfer to satisfy all parties concerned that the suggested placement is appropriate.
In considering the suitability of a placement, Co-op Academy Delius will also take into account the effect an admitted student has on the existing school population in terms of behaviour, health and safety, quality of learning within the class group and potential risk to vulnerable peers.
Parents and carers who may be considering Co-op Academy Delius as a suitable placement for their child, should contact Bradford’s SEN team first (01274 435750) to discuss a possible placement.
A preliminary visit to the school can be made by contacting our admissions lead or school office to arrange a suitable date and time. Further information is available from the school office.
In line with our Equality Policy & Safeguarding Policy, Co-op Academy Delius accepts pupils irrespective of gender, disability, race or belief and to ensure all aspects of safeguarding are met.
Allocation of school place
In admitting new pupils to Coop Academy Delius as part of LA consultation for places ,it's important that visits are made to either the home or receiving school to assess where or not the child's needs can be best met at Coop Academy Delius. This consultation process will address the needs of the pupil as identified in the child's Education Health and Care Plan and a formal response will be submitted if a place cannot be allocated in accordance with the SEND Code of practice.
Transfer from other schools
Each year a number of pupils join us from Bradford's primary schools/nursery provision at the end of their nursery/reception or school year.
In addition, pupils may be admitted from a variety of other provisions/LEAs. In such cases, it is anticipated that a representative from this provision will have the opportunity to visit the student at school before transfer.
Pupils transferring from nursery/primary schools have the opportunity to participate in an extended transition programme, including supported visits to the school during the spring and summer term of their final year.
Liaison takes place between the feeder school, Bradford’s Children and Young People’s Services and Co-op Academy Delius to ensure that all relevant information has been transferred and the transition experience is positive and successful for pupils, parents and carers.
Admission Arrangements
Prior to a place being offered at Co-op Academy Delius, it is essential that the parents and students visit the school and have opportunities to have their questions answered.
When a student has been offered a place by the local authority, the parents may be invited to contact the school again to further discuss their child's strengths and individual learning, social, medical and personal needs. At this stage, the parents will be informed who the student's Class Teacher and team will be, if this information is available.
Where children are not yet 5 and do not have a Statement of Educational Need or EHCP, children may be admitted into the school on an assessment placement. This will be with the agreement of the local placing authority.
In certain circumstances, parents and professionals may together decide that a pupil's needs will be best met by a gradual introduction into Co-op Academy Delius. Flexible arrangements will be negotiated in such a case.
Allocation to Class group/learning pathway
The student will be placed in an appropriate learning pathway/teaching group with an assigned teacher taking responsibility and being the first point of contact with the home. Pupils are placed in class groups which best meet their individual needs.
Student records and files
When the Statement or the EHCP and other records from the previous school arrive, they will be circulated to the school leadership team, Class Teacher, our admissions lead and other appropriate staff.
Our school admissions lead or SLT member will give you a tour of the school, during which they will explain in detail our admissions procedure and educational approaches at Coop Academy Delius.
On our tour of the school please ensure you keep at a safe distance from other staff members, follow our 1 way system and do not touch any objects, including door handles etc. Our staff member will open and close all doors on the tour.
Further information
If you would like independent advice about special education needs provisions and decisions affecting your child in school, parents and families can also contact Bradford Parent and Young
People’s Partnership Service on 01274 481183.
You can find more information about the special educational needs schools in Bradford by visiting the Local Offer website
Other Useful Links:
Contact the Special Educational Needs team on 01274 435750 for more information.
Bradford Council School Admissions Website
Admissions policy can be read in conjunction with school Transition Procedure:
Transition Procedure 2023 .docx