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Key Information

Head Teacher: Mrs Emma Hardaker
For admin and enquiries: Mrs Samantha Jones

📞  BD3 Site: 01274 666472 BD7 Site: 01274062580

Our Address

Co-op Academy Delius
Barkerend Road
West Yorkshire

Find us on Google Maps 

Our address at BD7:

Co-op Academy Delius
Princeville Street
West Yorkshire

Unsure who you need to contact?

Please get in touch with Sam Musa at our BD3 site or Sam Begum at our BD7 site.

My child will be absent

Parents and carers should contact the school (telephone or email or letter) explaining why their child is absent or ill and the likely duration of the absence. This is recorded daily giving the reasons and monitored by the DHT with required actions minuted. Information is shared with other key staff and professionals for subsequent actions to be followed up.

If a pupil is ill for more than three days, the Pupils Administrator will contact the parent or carers every other day to make sensitive enquiries about the pupil’s health and likely return to school, and give any assistance they can. This is monitored by DHT, a member of the Safeguarding team, or the Home Tuition lead, as appropriate. and actions taken as appropriate.

I'd like to report a safeguarding concern

Please speak with Richard Meredith or a member of our Safeguarding Team.

Who can I speak to about Special Educational Needs support?

Please contact the school office on 01274 666472 and ask to speak with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) Elisha Pighills.



Who is the designated person for looked after and recently looked after children?

Elisha Pighills is the designated person for looked after and recently looked after children.

Need help with your admissions forms?

Please contact the school office on 01274 666472 and ask to speak with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) Elisha Pighills. Please read our Local offer to see what we provide.

Want to find out how we manage your personal information? 

For details on how we manage your personal information please refer to our data protection policies and privacy notices:

If you would like to make a request for information, please contact our Data Protection Ambassador on the main school phone number.

I'd like to contact the Governing Body

Please write to:

Sally Birkbeck

Acting Chair of Governors
Co-op Academy Delius
Barkerend Road, Bradford,
West Yorkshire, BD3 8QX




I'd like to contact the Co-op Academies Trust

Any compliments, concerns or complaints should be raised via the Chair of Governors, as outlined in our Complaints Policy. The contact for our Governing Body is as above.

Following this should you still wish to contact the Co-op Academies Trust, you can write them at

Paper copies of all information

Paper copies of all information on our website are available free of charge upon request via email, telephone or post.

How do I make a complaint?

If you wish to make a complaint, you should do so in accordance with our Trust Complaints Policy

The procedure allows parents, carers or anyone else to raise a concern or complaint relating to the academy or Co-op Academies Trust.

The procedure is divided into three stages:

  • Stage One (The Informal Stage) you should speak to a staff member in the academy to see if they can resolve the issue.
  • Stage Two (The Formal Stage) is the point at which you should put the complaint in writing to the Headteacher or another senior member of staff. Where the complaint is against the Headteacher, you should write to the Chair of Governors at our school address. Address the letter or email to ‘Chair of Governors’.
  • Stage Three (Formal Resolution) is the final stage. It involves a hearing before a panel including governors and an independent person who will review the complaint in its entirety.

I would like more information about your Uniform?

Our Uniform Policy can be found by clicking the button below.

I'd like to know more about your Ofsted Reports?

Please click the button below for more information about our Ofsted Reports. 

Where can I find your performance data?

Please click the button below for more information. 

Where can I find information about your curriculum?

Please click the button below. 

Where can I find your Pupil Premium Strategy and PE and Sport Premium?

All of our Pupil Premium and PE and Sport Premium information can be found by clicking the button below. 

Where can I find your Behaviour Policy?

Please click the button below. 

Where can I find your Charging and Remissions Policy?

Please click the button below. 

Where can I find the published salary information for the Trust?

Please click the button below. 

Where can I find information about the Trust's Annual Accounts?

Please click the button below.

Where can I read the Trust Gender Pay Gap report?

Please click the button below.