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Yellow Class

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In the Astronauts Pathway Yellow Base (KS1) we have been learning about  ‘Traditional Tales’ 



In Communication, Language and  Literacy, we have been experiencing exciting Traditional stories such as ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and ‘The Ginger bread Man’.  Using our range of communication strategies we have been learning to use and understand ‘Nouns’ ‘Verbs’ and ‘Adjectives.’ We have been Listening to these stories with interest and taking part in group discussions. We have also been developing our writing skills from forming letters to writing full sentences in order to be able to write our own story. 


In Mathematics we have been increasing our knowledge relating to ‘Number’ and ‘Spacial reasoning. Identifying and recognising Even and Odd numbers using Concrete resources such as Dominoes and Understanding that double means ‘Twice as Many.’ 

In Spatial reasoning pupils have been using positional language with the end result being able to use positional language to give instructions to build things using duplo bricks and other resources.


In PSHE we have been learning about relationships, Firstly pupils have identified their own feelings and the feelings of others through the use of scenarios using stories and pictures. Pupils have taken part in discussion of what these feelings may look like and how a person may feel for example; when a person is feeling sad they may cry. 

We have also identified strategies to help overcome certain feelings and self- regulate to get back to a happy calm state. We have practised breathing exercises and calming techniques and strategies such as asking for deep pressure if needed.

During PSHE we are also learning to form reciprocal relationships with adults and peers within school through daily interactions and activities.

Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been learning about Science. We have been learning about the human body by drawing, identifying and labelling different parts of the human body e.g eyes, nose, mouth. Pupils have been exploring the different senses associated with the body and working scientifically taking part in experiments using the senses e.g taking part in a taste test to identify if a food is sweet or sour. Pupils are also learning to recognise that more than one sense can be used at the same time.

Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning about Castles. We have been able to look at and comment on different types of castles (disney castle, hogwarts castle, windsor castle). We have been looking at and commenting on castles created by different artists (Paul Klee, John Piper) Pupils have been able to use a range of materials creatively to design, draw and paint a traditional tales castle (drawing pencils, stamps, water colours)To be able to evaluate my own ideas and designs and improve upon them. We have had opportunities to get messy and make our own castle from a range of materials and media.  We have also worked on using tools such as paintbrushes, glue sticks to create amazing castles. 

Physical Development

In Physical Development our focus this term has been Gymnastics.  We have engaged in rhythmic gymnastic equipment when taking part in a routine (ball, rope) We have explored final pose positions and created our own performance sequence using shapes and balances.


In RE we have  developed our understanding of the Bible by reading a story with a meaning  (The Lost sheep) We have been re-ordering the sequence of the story through symbols, pictures and drama.We have also read a Qur’an story with a meaning  (The thief and the water pot)  by re-ordering the sequence of the story through symbols, pictures and using drama.