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What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Rockets we have been learning about the topic ‘Nursery Rhymes’.

Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been learning about materials.  We have engaged in activities linked to wet/dry and soft/rough by feeling objects such as sandpaper and mirrors, and showing preference. We have loved learning about hot and cold through feeling objects such as heat packs and ice exploration.

Communication, Language and Literacy

In Communication, Language and  Literacy, we have been learning the nursery rhyme ‘Mary had a little lamb’ through engaging and reacting to different sensory stimuli, identifying objects and matching key words and symbols such as ‘lamb’ and ‘school’.  We have learnt the nursery rhyme ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’ within our exciting immersive suite, by identifying and selecting different objects on the interactive walls.  We have also taken part in the nursery rhyme ‘One, two, buckle my shoe’ through our writing lessons by developing our fine motor skills such as; threading shoelaces, making marks with paintbrushes and posting sticks.


In Mathematics we have joined in with a range of counting songs such as ‘5 little ducks’, and ‘5 little men in a flying saucer’ through anticipation and actions.  We have developed our maths preferences through the nursery rhymes ‘Little miss muffet’ and ‘Do you know the muffin man?’.  We have shown this by using switches, facial expressions and body movements.  We have also shown engagement in exploring 3D shapes in a range of ways i.e. shaking, tapping, squeezing, and made walls for ‘Humpty Dumpty’.


Accordion cont

In PSHE we have been learning about our feelings, and how we can regulate these by ourselves or with support.  We have been building new relationships in our class with peers and adults.  We have also been taking part in different activities to show what we like and what we don’t like such as music, massage and sensory exploration.

In Understanding the World we have been learning about materials.  We have engaged in activities linked to wet/dry and soft/rough by feeling objects such as sandpaper and mirrors, and showing preference. We have loved learning about hot and cold through feeling objects such as heat packs and ice exploration.  


In RE we have been learning about the houses/places that we live in, and have made choices about which house looks like our own.  We have looked at people who are in our family through photos and have shown reactions to these familiar faces through facial expressions, vocalisations and body movements.  


Expressive Arts

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning to use different media to create our very own farm scenes for the nursery rhyme ‘Old Macdonald had a Farm’.  We have experimented with different art materials and tools, and engaged with farm stimuli such as ‘feathers’, ‘hay’, ‘mud’ and ‘fur’ before adding it to our scenes.

Physical Development

In Physical Development we have focused on Football.  We have been learning to purposefully move our feet, and bend our knees to kick a ball.  We have been learning to pass a ball to a peer, and shoot a ball towards a target.