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Class 7

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 7 our topic for learning has been Mythical creatures.


In Communication, Language and  Literacy,we have been learning to answer who, what and where questions about our literacy text ‘Zog.’  We have used colourful semantics and symbols to answer who, what and where questions. In Writing we have been learning to form letters and write 4 word sentences to describe the dragons and improve our writing skills by holding the pencil in a tripod grip.



In Mathematics we have been learning our numbers bonds to 5 and simple addition and subtraction using concrete objects. We have also been learning to identify and understand the add, takeaway and equals symbols. We have also learned about the weight of a range of items using the correct terminology and using non standard units to weigh a range of objects.



In PSED we have been learning about feelings and recognising and expressing how we feel and why. We have been using mirrors to pull our best facial expressions for different emotions such as happy, sad, angry and scared. We have also learnt about zones of regulation using the colour monster story and strategies that we may use when feeling a strong emotion.


Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been identifying and categorising a range of living and non living things including humans, animals, plants and objects.. Pupils witnessed and enjoyed a very special arrival of the Delius chicks. We have learnt and ordered the life cycle of a chick. Well done class 7!


Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have commented and chosen our favourite art linked to mythical creatures. In class 7 we designed leprechauns, griffins and many more. We used a range of materials to design, draw and paint mythical creatures.


Physical Development

In Physical Development our focus this half term has been football. We have learnt to anticipate when a ball is being passed to us. We have developed our football skills through dribbling, passing, defending and shooting. We have worked well by passing the ball to each other and using the right amount of power adapting our skills fantastically.