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Class 5

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In the Meteors Pathway in class 5 we have been learning about ‘Mythical Creatures - can you describe this mythical creature to me?’ 


In Communication, Language and  Literacy, we have been reading the story ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson. We have been learning to respond to the stimuli within the stories, using our voices and other forms of communication, such as PECs symbols. We have been building upon these skills throughout the half term.



In Mathematics we have been learning to take part in a counting sequence and have been doing this through various number songs, such as 5 little firefighters and 5 brown teddies. We have learned to use our fingers to count objects and take part in number songs as a group. 


In PSED we have been doing some retrieval work about emotions/feelings. We have been learning about what we do when we feel sad, happy, excited, shocked, angry. We have listened to and sang different songs linked to feelings eg. if you’re happy and you know it. We have copied adult actions when singing the songs and pulled different facial expressions linked to feelings. 

Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been learning about the butterfly life cycle. We experienced the life cycle of a butterfly in real life and had caterpillars in class. Each week we investigated what was happening to the caterpillars using magnifying glasses. We used symbols to order the life cycle of the butterfly adding more symbols each week. We also experienced natural materials related to each stage of the life cycle through TACPAC. When the butterflies hatched we released them as a class in the science garden! 


Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning about two artists: Sara Fanelli & Tony Meeuwissen. We experienced the art by looking at different pieces each week. We would then recreate the art communicating our choices of tools and materials using symbols or gestures. 

Physical Development

In Physical Development our focus this term we have been developing our skills in football. We have been learning to dribble, pass the ball to peers and adults and shoot the ball into goals. We even used all the skills we learnt and took part in a class 5 football match!