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Class 4 (Meteors Upper Primary)

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 4 we have been learning about  Mythical Creatures - can you describe this mythical creature to me?



In Communication, Language and Literacy, Class 4 have been learning about Mythical Creatures and this term have been enjoying the story ‘ZOG’. The children have been creating images using a range of different stimuli linked with different aspects of the story. Pupils have demonstrated different skills to respond to opportunities provided such as using paint and food to mark make. Pupils have used a variety of communication strategies such as, PECS symbols, communication boards and switches.



In Mathematics, Class 4 has been engaging in lots of fun activities such as counting, and interacting with related activities. Class 4 have been working very hard in their number lessons and have been engaging in a range of counting number songs such as ‘5 little dragons’, looking at numerals 1-5 and anticipating the next step in the number sequence. In their Shape, Space and Measure lessons, Class 4 have been learning to measure volume, capacity and weight. Pupils used jugs and cups to fill and empty them using a range of stimuli such as water, lentils and rice.



In PSHE, Class 4 has been learning about their emotions (happy, sad and angry). Class 4 have been enjoying matching the different emotions to different movements according to their feelings (happy, sad, and angry), such as stomping when we feel angry and skipping when we feel happy.

Understanding the World

In Understanding the World, Class 4 has been learning about Living and Non- Living things. Pupils have been sorting a range of living things including humans and animals and not living things into two groups. Pupils learnt what is required for things to live such as, food, water and sleep. Pupils have observed a Life Cycle of a Butterfly and anticipated what might happen when a caterpillar cocoons into a chrysalis.


Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design, we have been learning to use different mediums to create our mythical creatures.  Class 4 purposefully experimented with a range of different materials and medias to produce their own mythical creature using their preference as a guide (felt, fur, leather, fabric, dry foods i.e. rice and pasta).

Physical Development

Physical Development, Class 4 have been showing off their fantastic football skills by scoring many goals. We have been learning to kick, dribble and move with control when we have the ball and taking part in small games.