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Class 2 (Meteors Lower Primary)

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 2 we have been learning about ‘Traditional Tales’


In Communication, Language and Literacy, Class 2 have been learning about Traditional Tales and this term have been enjoying the story ‘Hansel & Gretel’. The children have been exploring a range of different stimuli linked with different aspects of the story such as leaves, branches, pom poms and different scents. Whilst engaging in their story, the children have been using a range of different communication strategies to support their learning such as PECS symbols, Communication boards, sound buttons and concrete resources.



In Mathematics, Class 2 have been engaging in lots of fun activities such as counting, patterns and learning about 3D shapes. Class 2 have been working very hard in their number lessons and have been engaging in a range of counting songs such as ‘5 little ducks’ & ‘5 little speckled frogs’, exploring the different animals and looking at the numerals 1-5. In their Shape, Space and Measure lessons, Class 2 have been learning about 3D shapes (sphere, cube, cone, pyramid) by filling and emptying different containers using a range of stimuli such as water, rice and glitter.



In PSED, Class 2 have been learning about their emotions (happy, sad and angry) and engaging in this lesson through the use of musical instruments. Class 2 have been enjoying matching the different emotions to different instruments such as when we feel angry, we bang the drum or when we feel happy we play the xylophone.


Understanding the World

In Understanding the World, Class 2 have been enjoying learning about their different senses in our Science lessons. They have been learning about their senses in a fun way of exploring different resources such as ‘taste’, the children enjoyed tasting ice cream or for ‘sight’ the children enjoyed looking at their peers in different colours.


Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning to use different media to create our very own castles.  We have had lots of opportunities to get very messy and create our castles by using symbols to make our own choices of colours and materials. Class 2 have used lots of different tools to create their own art work such as paintbrushes, glue sticks and rolling pins, bingo dabbers and sponges. 


Physical Development

In Physical Development, Class 2 have been showing off their fantastic football skills by scoring lots of goals. We have been learning to kick, dribble and move with control when we have the ball as well as listening to ‘STOP’ and ‘GO’. We have also been learning to listen to single word instructions whilst in the rebound room and they are all doing some fantastic listening!