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Class 10

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 10 our topic for learning has been Mythical creatures.



In Communication, Language and  Literacy, we have been experiencing exciting stories about mythical creatures, such as ‘Zog’.  Using our range of communication strategies we have been learning about attributes linked to mythical creatures such as wings, feathers, tails and fur. We have been listening to different mythical creature sounds and responding to these using our own voices.


In Mathematics, we have been engaging with different textures that represent the mythical creatures, such as scales, sequined fabric and feathers.  We have interacted and demonstrated anticipation of the different textures through our facial expressions, vocalisations  and body language. We have also gone on a dragon hunt through a mythical maze learning about directional language. We have used switches and symbols to direct and to support us. 


In PSED we have been learning about how to interact with others in the environment as well as responding to different textures and stimuli. We have been learning to demonstrate what we like or dislike through our vocalisations, body language, facial expressions and through the use of symbols.  We have engaged in stimuli relating to different mythical creatures.  

Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been learning about the living and non-living things. We have engaged in sensory experiences linked to the heart, through listening and watching an interactive heart beat. We have also been learning about the life cycle of chicks. We have observed real chicks hatching from eggs and have had the privilege of feeling the live chicks and hearing them make their sounds. It has been an amazing experience!

Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning to use different media to create our very own mythical creatures.  We have had opportunities to get messy and make our own choices from the range of materials and media.  We have also worked on using tools such as paintbrushes, glue sticks and rolling pins to create our amazing mythical creatures. 

Physical Development

In Physical Development our focus this half term has been Football. We have been learning to track and kick a ball. We have also been learning to work as a team and to kick into the goal.  Some of us have been working on our MOVE programmes to support us with our physical development.  We have had lots of fun and have been very competitive! Next half term we will be covering Gymnastics.