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Class 1 (Meteors Lower Primary)

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 1 we have been learning about.



In Communication, Language and Literacy, Class 1 have been learning about Traditional Tales. This half  term our story has been ‘Hansel and  Gretel’. We have been using communication boards to identify sounds in our environment that also link to the story such as the leaves and sweet papers rustling and the witches laugh. We have also been identifying noises we can hear near our own houses. We have also looked at pictures of our own family. 


In Mathematics, Class 1 have been engaging in lots of different number rhymes,  such as ‘5 little ducks’ . We used a number board to identify how many ducks were left.  In shape space and measure. We have been identifying and matching 2D shapes. We used 3D shapes to make towers.  We have been categorising colours and made repeating patterns with leaves and twigs.


In PSED, Class 1 have been supported to form relationships with peers and adults within the class. We have been sharing work spaces with others during different  activities and learning to take turns.

Understanding the world

In Understanding the World, Class 1 have been to the sensory garden. We have been using our senses to explore the different herbs in the garden. In RE we have been talking about and looking special books such as the bible and the Quran. We also explored some vegetables when we talked about Harvest.

Expressive Arts

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been using lots of different materials to create castles.

Physical Development

In Physical Development, Class 1 have been developing our ball skills.  The children have been kicking, throwing, rolling and catching different sized balls. Some children have been working individually and some children worked with an adult or a friend.