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Rockets Pathway Curriculum

What have we learnt so far this term?

What have we learnt so far this term?

In the Rockets Pathway (Reception A, B and class two) we have been learning about:

What can you find on the farm?

In Communication, Language and  Literacy, we have been experiencing exciting farm stories such as ‘Oh dear’ and ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’.  Using our range of communication strategies we have been learning about attributes linked to farm animals such as wings, feathers, tails and fur.  And have been listening to different animal sounds and responding to these using microphones.

In Mathematics we have been engaging in different textures that you may find on a farm, such as hay, water and mud.  We have interacted and shown anticipation during farm number songs, and started to match and sort farm animals into categories.


In PSHE we have been learning about jobs people do around us, such as being a teacher, cleaner, nurse, cook and office worker.  We have engaged in stimuli relating to these jobs and linked the jobs with their different roles. 

In Understanding the World we have been learning about the experiences that are found on a farm including chickens laying eggs and feeding horses hay.  Our favourite part was pretending to milk cows using gloves and white paint!

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning to use different medias to create our very own farm scenes.  We have had opportunities to get messy and make our own choices from the range of materials and media.  We have also worked on using tools such as paintbrushes, glue sticks and rolling pins to create our amazing farm scenes.

In Physical Development our focus this term has been Athletics.  We have engaged in exciting running, jumping and throwing activities, whilst listening to stop and start commands.  Some of us have been working on our MOVE programmes to support us with our physical development.  We have also been working on our fine motor skills in different farm activities such as pulling our vegetables and using bricks to build our own farms.