Meteors Pathway Curriculum
What have we learnt so far this term?
What have we learnt so far this term?
In the Meteors Pathway (Classes 3, 4 and 5) we have been learning about:
KS1 – (Class 3) – Is it hot in the jungle?
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we have been learning …..
We have been engaging with stories such as ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. We have used a range of communication supports to help with accessibility including symbols, text and real objects. We used these strategies to describe the animals and to use comparative language like ‘big’ and ‘small’.
In Mathematics we have been learning…..
In Mathematics we have been sorting jungle animals into different categories based on colour, size and shape. We have also used active learning to match numbers to amounts based on jungle animals. We have used lots of different textures along with jungle songs.
In PSHE we have been learning….
We have been learning about the different jobs people who help us do this included a talk from the school nursing team about sun safety.
We have also been looking after the school environment by tidying up in the classroom and outside along with not dropping litter.
In Understanding the World we have been learning…..
We went on a jungle animal hunt to find key jungle animals. We sorted through lots of different textures to find and match pictures and real objects. We experienced hot and cold temperatures along with other stimuli associated with the jungle environment.
In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning….
We have been using instruments and our voices to create different animal sounds. We also played lots of different instruments including shakers, percussion and rain sticks to re create the noises found in the jungle. We have also used different media to create our very own jungle scenes. We have had opportunities to get messy and make our own choices from the range of materials and media. We have also worked on using tools such as paintbrushes, glue sticks and rollers.
In Physical Development we have been learning….
We have been trying out lots of different activities related to athletics. We enjoyed lots of running, throwing and jumping activities. We followed a range of instructions including start:stop and up:down. We worked really hard to control our bodies and objects including moving at speed and in different directions.
KS2 – (Class 4 & 5) – Does it rain on the plain?
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we have been learning …..
About the different animals that can be found in the African plain. What the animals look like and what they sound like. We explored real objects and listened to the sounds they made. We used lots of different communication strategies to express our likes and dislikes. Our next story was Lila and the secret of the rain. We explored
an African village and how it would feel when its hot and dry. We loved the water play when the rain fell on the village.
In Mathematics we have been learning…..
About numbers 1-10 along with different heights and lengths. We have joined in with lots of number and action rhymes linked to the sun shining and the rain falling. We have made sun rays looking at the different lengths short and long.
In PSHE we have been learning….
We have been learning about Money, including exchanging money to buy food. We have then used the food to make African food. We have been experiencing the different jobs people do around us. We explored lots of different textures and objects and went outside to help tidy up the school environment.
In Understanding the World we have been learning…..
About the different climates and environments found on the African plains. We have explored dry sand, grass and mud. We have hidden and found animals hidden in these environments. We have listened to different animal sounds and tried to match
them to the correct toy animal or photograph.
In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning….
Using different media to make an African Plain scene. We have linked positional language to this. What animals are in the sky? What are in the watering hole and what are in the grass lands? In music we loved exploring traditional African instruments listening to the sounds they make and playing along to traditional songs. We explored different rhythms on the drums. We loved the song Che che kule and danced along to this. We loved the game where the elephant sprayed water and enjoyed wetting our friends.
In Physical Development we have been learning….
Different athletics skills linked to our stories. This included climbing up and down the mountain. We have worked on their jumping skills in different areas. Who could jump the furthest in the playground. Who could jump from the highest box in the hall. The favourite was who could jump and make the biggest splash in the swimming pool.