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Curriculum Stunning Start

Our pupils had a fantastic time this week during our Stunning Start! This term Early Years will be learning all about shopping and what you can buy in the shops. 

Our pupils had a fantastic time this week during our Stunning Start! This term Early Years will be learning all about shopping and what you can buy in the shops. KS1 is finding out ‘What’s cooking in the kitchen’ and KS2 will be learning all about restaurants & ‘What’s on the menu’! 

We had a jam packed day full of activities for our pupils to engage with to kick start their topics for this term, which also gave teachers the opportunities to find out what the pupils already know. 

The library transformed into your local supermarket, where pupils practiced their shopping skills, as well as their money skills by working on the tills.

The immersive suite took us into a fine dining Indian restaurant where we could practice our social skills, take in the sights and smells, as well as work on our serving skills.

We had a shop manager from the Co-op come to talk to us about her role, and show us lots of the things she gets to do whilst at work.

There was even an opportunity to work on our choice making and communication skills in the sensory room, where we set our own tables. We had to choose everything from the table cloth covers, to what utensils we would put out!

In the hall we worked on following instructions and our cooking skills by making our very own pizza wraps and fruit salads in a true ‘Ready, Steady, Cook’ style!