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News and Letters

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  • City of Culture 2025 - Opening Day

    Published 28/02/25

    We are the City of Culture 2025 🎊 Today we held an opening day to introduce the exciting plans we have for the year ahead! 

    To kick off, we had lots going on around school: 

     ✨ The Sound of Bradford - this was an opportunity to dive into the vibrant sounds from Bradford! From rock and folk, to Bhangra and baseline - pupils made choices, played along and commented on their favourite songs 

     ✨The Opening Ceremony - we recreated the RISE opening ceremony in our Immersive suite, giving our pupils the opportunity to experience what it felt like to be there! 

     ✨Salt Dough Bradford - we unleashed our creativity and brought famous Bradford landmarks to life using salt dough! From the Alhambra Theatre to Salts Mills! 

     ✨Special Assemblies - during our assemblies we learnt about what this all means, what we might see and do, and how we might feel! 

     ✨ Community Art - we all worked on small pieces of art, to add together to make a special piece, with everyone taking part! Some of us explored the uses of wool, others looked at Bradford Buildings, and some of us even drew the people who make Bradford! 

     We have developed a plan so that all pupils have the opportunity to learn about, and experience, 5 main Bradford themed topics through the year! (More info to follow soon!) 

     ⭐️ We’re from Bradford and we’re proud! ⭐

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  • The Delius Planet - Issue 5

    Published 17/02/25

    See below issue number 5 of our school newsletter, The Delius Planet

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  • Interplay

    Published 05/02/25

    Yesterday we had a visit from Interplay Theatre, who brought along their show DRIFT, an accessible sensory show! 

    Pupils from our Galaxy Pathway and some pupils from our Meteors Pathway loved the performance, which transported us into an old arcade game! 

    The video game inspired lighting and music captivated all our pupils, with sensory, hands on aspects to the show too, so everyone could get involved!! 

    Thank you so much to Kala Sangam for organising this exciting opportunity for our pupils!

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  • Election Day

    Published 04/02/25

    And the Votes are in! We went to the polls yesterday!🗳️

    Our Voice, Our Choice! 🗣️

    Every pupil across school placed their vote for who they’d like to be their pathway Academy Council representative! 

     All of our pupils had the opportunity to put themselves forward as a candidate, after learning about what their duties would include. 

     Votes are being counted today, with our winners being announced on Monday!

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  • Stunning Start

    Published 04/02/25

    Our Stunning Start was made up of lots of different activities set out to get us excited about our topics this term and to help our staff understand what we already know and our next steps! 

    Our topics this term are: 

    ✨ EYFS - In the Garden: What can you find in a garden in Bradford? 

     🐌 Lower Primary - Minibeasts: Which minibeasts live in Bradford? 

     🐻 Upper Primary - Habitats: Why do animals like to live in Bradford? 


    In the hall we were developing our Drama skills by taking an adventure through the garden! We started off as a small seed, then grew into beautiful flowers using fabric and props. We turned into caterpillars and wriggly worms across the hall floor! 

    In our Immersive Suite we joined The Ugly Bug Ball, exploring our dance and movement skills as lots of different minibeasts! 

    Our sensory room took us on a journey to China to explore how some people celebrate Chinese New Year. We learnt about traditions such as giving others money in red envelopes and eating tangerines for good luck.

    In our classrooms we designed pebbles to create our own Special Garden in school, a collaborative piece representing all of our pupils! 

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  • Zoo Lab

    Published 04/02/25

    We had Zoo Lab in school for our Stunning Start ✨ 

     Our topics this term are: 

    ✨ EYFS - In the Garden: What can you find in a garden in Bradford? 

     🐌 Lower Primary - Minibeasts: Which minibeasts live in Bradford? 

     🐻 Upper Primary - Habitats: Why do animals like to live in Bradford? 


     Pupils got ‘hands on’ and learnt about Cockroaches, Stick Insects, a Tarantula, a frog, and a super long corn snake called Pumpkin! 🕷️

     We found out where these animals live, what they like to eat and how they move!

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  • Lower Primary Christmas Trip

    Published 20/12/24

    All pupils had the opportunity to go on a Christmas Trip this year! 🎄 

    Our pupils in Lower Primary and Rockets (EYFS) visited Tong Garden Centre to go on a magical Christmas journey! At the end of the journey they met Santa, and could even choose a toy from Santa’s workshop! 

    Pupils also loved looking at the Christmas Decorations in the garden centre too, especially the Christmas lights! ✨ 

    A huge thank you to our academy charity ‘Friends of Delius’ who part funded this exciting opportunity for our pupils!

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  • Baarmy Bethlehem

    Published 20/12/24

    Lower Primary blew us away with their performance of ‘Baarmy Bethlehem’ 🐑

    For lots of our pupils in this performance it was their first time playing a main role on stage - and you really couldn’t tell with how confident and fabulous they all were! 

     We are so proud of you all! ⭐

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  • Lights, Camel, Action

    Published 20/12/24

    Our Upper Primary performances of ‘Lights, Camel, Action’ were dazzling! 🎄✨

    We had 2 performances of the play, so every year 6 pupil could have a main part and everyone could really shine! 

    The pupils have spent weeks practicing their lines, songs and dances. You could really tell by how fantastic they all were! 

     We’re so proud of you all! ⭐

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  • Christmas Crafternoons

    Published 20/12/24

    Last week we held our annual Christmas Crafternoons 🎄 

    These afternoons are an opportunity for families to come into classes for fun Christmas crafts and making lasting memories! 

    Families can see their child in class alongside their friends, and learn more about what they get up to in their school day! It was fab having so many parents, siblings and grandparents getting stuck in!

    (Loads of photos for you to choose from in events folder but the one of Awstin to be the main one pleaseeeee! Will share with you now) 

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  • Santa comes to Delius

    Published 20/12/24

    We had a VERY special visitor in school  🎅. All pupils got to visit Santa in his grotto and received a present. Pupils loved spending time with Santa, telling him about all kinds of things!

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  • Bollywood Event

    Published 12/12/24

    On Friday night our academy charity ‘Friends of Delius’ hosted the most brilliant Bollywood Night! ⭐️ 

    Pupils and their families were invited, as well as our staff and their families too! The night was filled with lots of dancing, good food and great company! 

    We had a special performance and dance workshop from Punjabi Roots, which got everyone onto their feet, showing off their best Bollywood dance moves. We were also treated to a live performance by Savita of some classic Bollywood songs! 

    Although our special evenings such as these are about bringing our community together in an accepting and inclusive environment, we still work towards raising money for our ‘Friends of Delius’ Charity for our pupils too. We are thrilled to announce we raised over £1,000! 

    We couldn’t of done this without the amazing support from we receive from our community. We would like to give a huge thank you to; 

    ✨My Lahore - who always provide food for our events. Especially Billy/Taimur, we can’t do it without their support! 

    ✨Uroojs Salon - Sadia who always supports us with food & hampers 

    ✨Atique textiles 

    ✨Lahori Catering See you at our next event!

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