Blue Class
What have we learnt so far this term?
In the Astronauts Pathway Blue Base (Upper Key Stage 2) we have been learning about ‘Art and Sculptures - what is art?’
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we have been engaging in our story ‘The Dot’ and have been exploring mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. Using a famous painting by Kandinsky we made our own paintings. We wrote sentences using verbs and adjectives to describe our art work. We have been developing our writing skills from writing a simple sentence to writing a range of sentences using ‘and’ to join our sentences.
In Mathematics we have been increasing our knowledge relating to ‘Numbers’ and ‘Shape Space and Measure. Learning to double and halve numbers using multiplication of 2 and dividing by 2. To help us with our learning we learnt some double facts to 20 and used concrete resources such as cubes and counters to double and divide.
In Shape Space and Measure pupils have been using scales to weigh objects and learn about ‘heavy’, ‘light’, and ‘balance’. We have been challenging our learning by making predictions of heavy and light objects.
In PSHE we have been learning about keeping safe in the community. We have looked at possible dangers in the environment and how to cross the road safely, using the Green Cross Code.
Understanding the World
In Understanding the World we have been learning about operating a simple computer programme and typing using a keyboard - logging ‘on’ and ‘off’ safely. Adding images and text boxes. Recapping our learning on Online safety by revisiting who we can share our personal information to. Knowing what is safe and not safe to share online. For example our home address is not safe to share. Sharing a drawing made on the computer is ok to share with people we know.
Expressive Arts and Design
In Expressive Arts and Design we have been using musical instruments learning to play tuned and untuned instruments. Focussing on harmony, rhythm and pitch. Pupils have had the opportunity to experiment with a range of musical instruments to create,select and combine sounds.
Physical Development
In Physical Development our focus this term has been Disco. We have engaged in learning the dance steps for the hustle. We have dressed up in 80’s disco clothes.
In RE we have been learning about Sikhism. We visited a Gurdwara after learning about what we may see in a Gurdwara. Pupils have been exploring the different artefacts, learning the names in Punjabi of different rituals that may happen in the Gurdwara. For example, eating together in a Gurdwara is called a ‘langar’.
What have we learnt so far this term?
In the Astronauts Pathway (Blue Base) we have been learning about Mythical Creatures.
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we have been using a range of strategies to learn our story and retell it in different contexts. We have learnt to orally retell the story ‘Zog’ using the Pie Corbett ‘Talk for Writing’. We have also acted out and recreated a class Zog book. The students have enjoyed making story maps to help them remember the story and think of different endings. Using our understanding of nouns, verbs and adjectives, we have learnt to write sentences related to mythical creatures.
In Mathematics we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s, 10s, using practical and pictorial resources. For example 2 pairs of socks, shoes, wheels. 5s using beads, bundles of straws and 10s using ten frames, numicons and building blocks. We have been using the language of multiplication. ‘There are ___ altogether’, ‘There are 6 equal groups of 2 socks. There are 12 socks altogether’. In snack we use real coins to buy our snacks encouraging children to recognise different coins and learning to utilise them in real life. For example if we want a biscuit we pay the correct amount using our coins.
In PSHE we have been learning about our different emotions and feelings. We have taken part in different experiments to try and illustrate different feelings. For example we used a coke bottle and mentos mints to demonstrate how our bodies react when we are feeling angry and added books to a backpack to iIllustrate if you keep all your worries in, it makes it heavier to carry, so instead we should share them. We learnt about the ‘Zones of Regulation’ and what strategies we could use to help us get back into the ‘green zone’.
In Science we have been learning about living and nonliving. We are also learning to use scientific vocabulary during learning. Our favourite part was watching the chicks hatch, holding them and learning about the hens life cycle.
Art and Design
In Art and Design we have been learning to use different mediums to create our own mythical creature. We had to plan and design our creature first and then use our plan to create our mythical creature. We have also worked on using tools such as paint brushes, glue sticks and different textured fabrics to create our amazing creatures.
In PE our focus this term has been Gymnastics. We have been exploring and practising balancing on one leg, balance on the other leg, balance on all fours, jumping in a variety of ways and landing with increasing control and balance, whilst listening to stop and start commands. In dance we have been learning a dance routine, using gymnastic equipment i.e ribbons and scarves. We are very proud of all our children. Some children performed this at the The Co-op Academies Trust Recognition Awards evening.
We have also been working on our fine motor skills in practising our handwriting every morning as part of our morning work.