Class 13
What have we learned so far this term?
In Class 13, our current topic is What is Art?
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we have been learning to identify the key symbols from our class text ‘Bob- The Artist’. Some of these included cat, owl and eat, which we have also actively learned the Makaton signs for too. We have been learning to use our symbol boards to answer, who, what and where questions about the story. In writing we have been exploring our mark making skills. We have focused on holding different mark making utensils including pens, pencils and paint brushes correctly in the perfect tripod grip.
In Mathematics we have focused on our counting! We have been learning to order numbers up to 10. We have explored how to represent numbers using concrete objects such as cubes and numicon. In our shape,space and measure lessons, we have been learning to recognise different coins and notes and match two different ones together. We have also been using our new found knowledge of money to pay for items at snack time. We have been exchanging money for items that we enjoy.
In PSED we have been learning about how to be safe. We have been exploring different safe and unsafe scenarios around our school building and looking out for everyday dangers that are around us such as walking up the stairs and how we do this safely. We have looked at identifying people who keep us safe in school and our community. We have been identifying people who work in the police, NHS and fire service. We are now beginning to think about how to contact these people should we need them in an emergency.
Understanding the World
In our Understanding the World lessons we have been learning about what makes a good and bad poster. We have been using the school chromebooks to create our own posters that have lots of pictures and colours. We sometimes even create our own pictures using the paint pads on the chromebooks. We have also learned about the importance of keeping our passwords from our chromebooks safe. We now log in to the computers using our own usernames and passwords.
Expressive Arts and Design
Through our expressive arts and designs we have been listening to the rhythm of different genres of music and recreating this using different pieces of equipment. We have used equipment in the classroom such as chairs and tables to create our own pieces of music. We have recently started to introduce certain instruments into our routines too such as bells and maracas.
Physical Development
In our physical development lessons we have been exploring the genre of dance, Ballet. We have been using our warm up sessions to stretch our bodies so that we could learn and perform the 5 different ballet positions. This included moving our feet to turned out positions and extending our arms. We have been working really hard on maintaining our balance and posture. We have even challenged ourselves by trying to perform different moves such as jetes, arabesques, and pliés.