Class 1 (Meteors Lower Primary)
What have we learnt so far this term?
In class 1 our story this term has been “ The Day the Crayons Quit.” Each time we read the book we looked at a different colour, red, yellow, blue, green, orange and purple. We have been choosing different colours using symbols and making marks with them. We identified the colours of different items and matched them to symbols.
In Communication, Language and Literacy, We have taken part in “squiggle while you wiggle” . Some children have been to the music and drama room where they used ribbons and scarves to make large movements to music. We have been making horizontal and vertical marks in shaving foam and some children have been making marks using chucky pens on a white board.
In Mathematics we have been singing lots of number rhymes. We used props from the rhymes to count how many objects /animals we had. Some children Have been able to identify numbers and have picked numbers out of different wet and dry media. We used the parachute to learn about positional language in, out, under and over.
In PSHE We have been learning about keeping healthy. We took part in different action songs to keep our bodies moving. We poured ourselves a cup of water. Each week we have been trying different coloured fruit or vegetables.
Understanding the World
In Understanding the World we have been using the i pads to take pictures of ourselves and other people in class. We went round the school and found lots of different technology, such as the buttons in the lift and the sound system in the hall. We have been taking turns to play games on the ipad and on the interactive screen. We explored the different equipment in the sensory room.
In RE we have been listening to a Muslim call to prayer and learning about the ritual and routines undertaken before the Islamic prayer. We talked about the different clothing worn and who wears which item. The children in class used symbols to choose which item they wanted to wear.
Expressive Arts and Design
In Expressive Arts and Design we have been listening to different pieces of music, Für Elise, Beethoven's 5th Symphony, The entertainer , Hedwig’s Theme, Star Wars and Into the Forest. We went in the Gamlan to explore the different instruments. We sung the music man as we explored Xylophone and Maracas, drums and bells in class.
Physical Development
In Physical Development We have been learning different circle dances. With support we have been following different instructions to the songs, such as walking, running, skipping, moving in circles,. We have been moving at different speeds and different directions such as forward and backwards, left and right.
What have we learnt so far this term?
In Class 1 we have been learning about.
In Communication, Language and Literacy, Class 1 have been learning about Traditional Tales. This half term our story has been ‘Hansel and Gretel’. We have been using communication boards to identify sounds in our environment that also link to the story such as the leaves and sweet papers rustling and the witches laugh. We have also been identifying noises we can hear near our own houses. We have also looked at pictures of our own family.
In Mathematics, Class 1 have been engaging in lots of different number rhymes, such as ‘5 little ducks’ . We used a number board to identify how many ducks were left. In shape space and measure. We have been identifying and matching 2D shapes. We used 3D shapes to make towers. We have been categorising colours and made repeating patterns with leaves and twigs.
In PSED, Class 1 have been supported to form relationships with peers and adults within the class. We have been sharing work spaces with others during different activities and learning to take turns.
Understanding the world
In Understanding the World, Class 1 have been to the sensory garden. We have been using our senses to explore the different herbs in the garden. In RE we have been talking about and looking special books such as the bible and the Quran. We also explored some vegetables when we talked about Harvest.
Expressive Arts
In Expressive Arts and Design we have been using lots of different materials to create castles.
Physical Development
In Physical Development, Class 1 have been developing our ball skills. The children have been kicking, throwing, rolling and catching different sized balls. Some children have been working individually and some children worked with an adult or a friend.