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Class 9

What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 9 our topic for learning has been Mythical creatures.



In Communication, Language and  Literacy,we have been learning to identify who, what and where in the Book Zog.  by learning the story and familiar characters in class to then Answer questions using Symbols. In Writing we have been learning to form letters and improve our pencil grip by holding the pencil in a tripod grip.



In Mathematics we have been learning our numbers bonds to 5 and simple addition using counters and animals to help the children understand. Some children have been working on ordering numbers and recognising what they are. We have also been learning to understand what add, takeaway and equals symbols mean. We have also been learning to tell the difference between heavy and light and using balance scales to show the weight of items.



In PSED we have been learning about feelings and recognising how we are feeling ourselves. We have done this using the colour monster story and with children starting to understand what colour each emotion is. We have been using mirrors to show our facial expressions for different emotions such as happy and sad.


Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been learning and experiencing what is living and what is non living, by looking at different items such as chicks, insects, rocks and toys. Children got to enjoy a very special arrival of some chicks who were born in school and the children were able to hold the chicks if they wanted.


Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning to create our own mythical creatures, in class 9 we made leprechauns, griffins and many more. We created these by using a communications board to ask for what items we would like to use to decorate our own drawings of mythical creatures.


Physical Development

In Physical Development our focus this half term has been football. We have been learning to pass the ball between peers, shooting into a net and dribble the ball closely to our feet. The children have been working well by passing the ball to each other and using the right amount of power adapting their skills fantastically.